Glovo & UNIDOS 3D

April 4, 2020 • 1 minutes

In the face of the spread of COVID-19, our top priority at Glovo is people’s health and safety.

That’s why we’re forging links with civil organisations, to support the manufacturing and distribution of masks for health workers. That was how we started collaborating with UNIDOS 3D, a group from Gualeguaychú, Argentina that met with specialist authorities, infectious disease specialists and biochemists to create the necessary models with 3D printers. We help them to collect the masks and deliver them to health workers.

The beneficiaries, so far, have been the 200 members of staff at the Hospital Centenario, the Luis Jeannot Sueyro Cooperative, the Baggio Health Centre, the police in Pueblo Belgrano, and the regiment and workers on the border with Uruguay.